July 13 - July 15, 2025
Tickets go on sale: March 19, 2025 at 7:00 p.m CST.
When: July 13 - July 15, 2025
Where: St. Louis *Full schedule and hotel room block information will be shared to attendees privately*
Tickets: $2500
What's included with the Women in Business Workshop ticket?
- Lunch, Snacks, Dinner & Cocktails
- Transportation to dinners
- Swag (the fun stuff!)
- Fresh Professional Headshots
- Learn from high powered & well respected speakers who have done the work and built their own successful businesses using real world strategy & tactics.
- Lots of new and amazing ladies to connect and build with!!
What is the Women in Business Workshop?
The Women in Business Workshop is a revolutionary 3-day business growth workshop where women from every walk of life come together to feel inspired, supported and welcomed in a community of business babes.
This is not a fluffy, feel-good, cosmic back rub type of event. The Women in Business Workshop is real women, real businesses, and real success. We are not about the "Woo Woo," strategies and fluff, we are here to WIN! #WinOverWooWoo
The Women in Business Workshop is where we tackle business and life elements together. No matter where you are at, what level or type of business you're in, this is for you!!
Expect to be energized and motivated with a new outlook and discipline to carry out your greatest ambitions. You will leave the workshop with life long skills, a more knowledgeable approach to life and business, and the support of all the amazing women you meet!
Join us and take the first step to becoming the woman you know you were always meant to be!
The event will be held in St. Louis, MO beginning Sunday July 13th 2024 at and concluding Tuesday, July 15th after dinner.
Within 5 business days after purchase, you will receive an email with hotel information, hotel booking, and a private Facebook group link to join. This will be delivered to the email address used to purchase the ticket.
For Your Planning Purposes:
We suggest flying into Lambert International Airport in St. Louis.
Note: Airport transportation, airfare & hotel stay is NOT included in the price of the ticket.
For more questions email: info@emilyfrisella.com